Weight Loss So Far...

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Week Four RECAP

Well I caught my daughters stomach bug. I was soo soo soo sick. I haven't been that sick with a stomach bug since I was a kid. The good news is I'm down to 191-192. Some of that was real weight loss I think.

So I have no idea what my point intake was but Wednesday afternoon when I got sick I had just finished doing level 1 and 2 of Cardio Max (well it was an hour or two later)- that did NOT help. All the lactic (sp?) acid from my work out build up big time getting dehydrated= PAIN.
Anyway back to tracking...Going to do my best to hit my goal for the day I have been doing bad at that this week, yes being sick is a good excuse but my milk supply has been taking such a huge hit (some thing I've never dealt with before! I've always had way way way oversupply but AJ sleeps much better than RJ ever did...And I think it's making it a bit harder on my body) I am pretty sure fertility is returning (haven't had pp AF yet). I am having some signs of ovulation and my milk supply seemed to dip a bit earlier in the week, it was starting to recover when I got sick and I seriously couldn't keep any fluid in me for about 16 hours. On top of that barely being able to eat now...Well I'd really like to see my milk supply going up soon. Baby is nursing like crrrazy-doing her part but I need to do mine. Lots of oatmealy things this weekend!

So end of week FOUR:
weight: 192 - 3lbs down- but considering I started before the Holdays that's great!
inches lost: 9inches from all over body.

subtotal 35points (I made it!)
activity:0 staying on the couch as much as possible today!!

Breakfast: 8
toast 6p- very hearty oat bread 2 pieces spread out over the morning.
16 oz gatorade: 2p

lunch: 12p
grilled cheese 10p
gatorade 2p

gatorade 2p
lots and lots of water (Iusually drink 2qts a day for the record).

Dinner: 11p
pizza!!!! :0o I know. I got a nap and Ryan had a meeting tonight and it was this or toast and I was hungry- it's agreeing!

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