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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shred Day 5... (yesterday)

I'm a bit sick, have a cold feeling totally wiped out. I did the shred level two but felt like death afterwards taking a day or two off to recoup and drink lots of fluids. Will rejoin the dress journey on January 1 and dive in for real.Trying to do this during hte Holidays was HARD- then again I probalby (definitely) avoided gaining a lot of weight because of it...Will still be tracking my points for the next few days but starting In the new year will be super strict. Gotta run, lunch and then NAP!!!!!
December 29, 2009: 35p
Activity: 5 (shred and 25min on elipticle
2pieces of cinnomin toast 5p
lemmon tea w 1tsp honey1p

Lunch 8p
1c mac and cheese 8p

snack: 13p
2 cookies 5p
chocolate: 5p
eggnog 3p

Dinner: 13p
Turkey flatbread from DD's 8p

1/2pieces cheese cake 5p

1 comment:

  1. limited activity always helped me feel better thru a cold, get well soon and Happy New Year!
